Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana Yogasana: By doing Hasta Uttanasana, clean oxygen is circulated in your lungs. With the help of this yogasana, it helps in expanding the chest and strengthening the heart ribs. By doing this yogasana, there is a good stretch in your muscles which strengthens the lower back muscles and spine.
Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arm Pose is one such yoga asana that completely stretches the arms, legs and upper torso. With its practice, the body becomes fully ready to do yoga. Hasta Uttanasana is done at number 2 and 11 in the 12 yoga asanas of Surya Namaskar.
Regular practice of Hasta Uttanasana has many health benefits. Such as,
1. Expands and Opens The Chest
“In this asana, both hands are raised upwards, while the spine is bent due to bending backwards. This allows the ribs and heart to expand and open. The benefit of Hasta Uttanasana includes the opening and expansion of the chest, which increases the breathing rate. The body starts taking deep breaths. Due to fast and deep breathing, the flow of oxygen in the body increases, which is very important to stay healthy and away from diseases. This asana is practiced on numbers 2 and 11 during the Surya Namaskar series. While doing this, both hands are raised upwards and salute the source of energy of the whole world, i.e. Lord Surya. By doing this, the heart opens in the first stretch, while the second stretch helps in absorbing divine energy.”
2. Tones The Back Muscles
If you look closely, the benefits of Hasta Uttanasana is that it is actually the reverse pose of Uttanasana. In Hasta Uttanasana, the upper torso is bent backwards while being pulled slightly upwards. This gives a good stretch to the muscles of the lower and upper back. This kind of bending tightens the muscles and helps in making the back healthy.
3. Balances the Anahata Chakra
Opening the chest opens and balances the Anahata Chakra. The Anahata Chakra is alternatively referred to as the heart chakra.. Anahata is considered and called the seat of the soul. The soul of a human being is considered to be the reason for his best qualities i.e. joy, love, harmony, empathy, unity, compassion. When the Anahata Chakra is awakened, you are able to experience these qualities to their full potential.
4. Works on abdominal organs and muscles
While doing Hasta Uttanasana, you have to bend backwards and stretch, by doing this your digestive system also starts improving. By bending the body backwards, the internal organs and muscles of the stomach get stretched.
Due to stretching, the abs get toned. While the function of the internal organs of the stomach, especially the digestive organs, is stimulated. It is also part of the yoga poses that help develop six-pack abs. Hence, Hasta Uttanasana can be practiced for dual benefits. First to tone the abs and also so that the internal organs of the stomach can work better.
5. Calms the brain
Every yoga posture relieves stress, in such a situation benefits of Hasta Uttanasana is also no different. While doing this asana, the ribs expand. Due to this, the speed of breathing increases, due to which more amount of oxygen is able to enter the body. Due to this, the flow of nutrients and blood increases.
Due to the flow of blood and increased breathing, the parasympathetic nervous system present in the brain gets activated. This makes you feel good and the mind remains calm.
6. Induces Meditative State
While doing Hasta Uttanasana, the hands are folded and taken above the head in Anjali Mudra. Along with this, breathing is done comfortably while being in a meditative state.
This is a state in which you enter a state of deep peace of mind while being aware of the environment around you. This helps you to welcome more positivity in life.

The right way to do for Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana
Practice for benifits of Hasta Uttanasana slowly. Never practice this asana if you have any injuries. Never put pressure on the shoulders or legs. Always make sure that you have warmed up and your core muscles are activated. If at any time you feel any kind of discomfort or pain, do not put any pressure on yourself. Slowly stop practicing the asana and rest. If you are performing this pose for the first time, ensure you practice it under the guidance of a qualified yoga instructor.
If you are going to practice Hasta Uttanasana for the first time, then following the following steps can help you in doing this yoga posture –
• Step 1 – First of all, spread a mat on a flat ground and stand straight on it.
• Step 2 – Now take a deep breath and join both the hands up (Tadasana Yoga Mudra)
• Step 3 – Now bend the spine and slowly start turning backwards.
• Step 4 – During this, try to look back and maintain a little distance between both the legs.
You can do this yoga exercise for a period of time according to your capacity and then slowly come back to normal state.

Precautions during Hasta Uttanasana
Hast Uttanasana practice is usually done under the supervision of a yoga instructor and the following precautions are necessary during this –
• Warm up before starting the yoga pose
• Do not practice immediately after eating or eating
• Maintain body balance and focus on the action
When not to do Hasta Uttanasana
There are some health conditions during which one should take permission from the doctor before practicing Hasta Uttanasana –
• Intense pain or injury in any part of the body
• Respiratory or heart disease
• Feeling stiffness in the body
• Pregnancy or menstruation
• Disability or old age

The informative content presented in the blog section is not intended to be considered a replacement for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment of any health concern. This blog does not guarantee that the treatments listed will cure a medical condition or act as a substitute for professional healthcare advice. We do not recommend using the treatments listed in these blogs as a second opinion or specific treatment. If an individual has any concerns regarding their health, they should immediately consult their healthcare provider or seek other professional medical treatment. Do not ignore professional medical advice or delay in seeking it based on the content of this blog.
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