The Benefits of AdhoMukha Svanasana for a Stronger Practice

Adhomukha Svanasana is a yoga posture in which we bend our body forward, just like a dog stretches. Talking about the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana, doing this asana stretches the muscles of the legs, hands, calves and inner thighs, which strengthens these muscles and improves blood flow to the brain, making the mind feel calm and refreshed. It is also considered a rejuvenating posture.
The name of Adhomukha Svanasana is made up of three words: Adhas, Mukha and Shvana. Adhas means downwards, Mukha means mouth and Shvana means dog. It is also a part of Surya Namaskar. To get the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana, it should be done regularly because doing it benefits the legs, arms and shoulders a lot.
The biggest feature of yoga is that its postures are influenced by the postures and shapes found in nature. For example, this asana is inspired by dogs, who often stretch in this way to relieve their fatigue. And believe me, there is no better way to stretch your body than this.

benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana

Benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana

Adhomukha Svanasana has many great benefits, which fill your body and mind with freshness. Such as:
1. Strengthens the lower abdominal muscles
If the body position formed in Adhomukha Svanasana is reversed, it becomes Naukasana. Like Naukasana, this asana also strengthens the lower abdominal muscles and supports the spine. This strengthens your abdominal muscles and stretches them.
2. Improves blood circulation
In this asana, your head is below the heart and the hips are raised upwards. This position increases the flow of fresh blood towards the head with the help of gravity, which improves blood circulation. Therefore, this asana helps in increasing blood circulation.
3. Improves the digestive system
Even though the body is not completely bent in Adhomukha Svanasana, this asana still gives a good massage to the internal organs of the body. The bending of the legs increases the pressure on our digestive system, which benefits the liver, kidneys and spleen and improves your digestive system.
4. Tones the hands and feet
When you practice Adhomukha Svanasana, the weight of your body is completely on the hands and feet. This strengthens the muscles of both these organs and helps in creating the right balance of the body.
5. Controls anxiety
This asana helps you to remain stress-free and provides peace to the mind. Adhomukha Svanasana is also very effective in reducing anxiety. In this asana, there is a stretch in the neck and cervical spine, which is helpful in relieving stress.

The most important benefit of Adhomukha Svanasana is that this asana works to give a new energy and relaxation to your body and mind.

The right way to get the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana

Adhomukha Svanasana looks exactly like a dog bending forward. There are many great benefits of doing this asana, to take full advantage of which it is necessary to practice it daily and in the right way. The special thing is that anyone can do this asana easily. Let’s know how to do it:

How to do Adhomukha Svanasana:

1. First step: Lie down on your stomach on the yoga mat. Then while breathing, lift the body up with the support of your hands and feet, so that the body comes in a table-like position.
2. Come on all fours: Come on all fours keeping your hips above the knees and shoulders above the wrists.
3. Position of the hands: Bring your hands slightly forward from the shoulders. The middle finger should be facing forward and the rest of the fingers should be spread out.
4. Raise the hips: Now while exhaling, slowly lift your hips upwards. Keep the elbows and knees straight and stiff, so that your body comes in the shape of an inverted ‘V’.
5. Correct position: Make sure that your shoulders and hands are in line, and the feet are in line with the hips. The ankles should be facing outwards.
6. Neck and vision: Press your hands on the ground and try to stretch the neck. The ears should be in between your arms, your ears should be touching the inner part of your arms and try to focus your gaze on the navel.
7. Final step: Stay in this position for a few seconds, then rest the knees on the ground and come back to the table-like position.

Regular practice of this asana will give you physical and mental benefits.

Exiting the Asana:
Take a few deep breaths in Adhomukha Svanasana and after staying in the same posture for a while, slowly lower your knees to the ground. Then relax your hands and come into the child’s pose (Balasana), which will completely relax your body.

Things to keep in mind before doing Adhomukha Svanasana:

Morning is the best time: It is best to practice Adhomukha Svanasana in the morning. If you are doing it in the evening, make sure that you have eaten food 4 to 6 hours ago.
The stomach should be empty: Make sure that your stomach is completely empty before doing this asana. It will be even better if you have defecated.

Precautions while doing Adhomukha Svanasana:

If you have recently suffered any back, hip, arm, shoulder or leg injury, do not do this asana. Also, if you have any wrist injury, do not do this asana to get the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana. For any serious problem, consult a yoga instructor or doctor first. Do not do this asana if you have the following problems:-

1. Carpal tunnel syndrome

2. High blood pressure

3. Retinal detachment

4. Shoulder dislocation

5. Weak eye capillaries

6. Diarrhea


The right way to get the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana

Do these asanas before doing Adhomukha Svanasana

1. Phalkasana
2. Uttanasana

Do these asanas after doing Adhomukha Svanasana

1. Shirshasana
2. Uttanasana

Practicing yoga helps in keeping our body and mind healthy. Asanas like Adhomukha Svanasana not only increase physical strength and flexibility, but also provide mental peace and balance. With regular yoga practice, we can bring positive changes in our life.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, commonly known as Downward-Facing Dog, is a powerful yoga pose that offers numerous benefits for a stronger practice. This pose not only strengthens the arms, shoulders, and legs but also stretches the back, hamstrings, and calves. With regular practice, Adho Mukha Svanasana can help improve posture, increase flexibility, and enhance overall body awareness. Embrace this pose to experience the transformative benefits it has to offer.


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