Ashva Sanchalanasana, also known as Equestrian Pose, is an important yoga pose. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit words Ashva (horse), Sanchalana (sign of movement), and Asana (posture). In this pose, the body is placed in a horse riding posture, which benefits many parts of the body. This asana helps in building balance and stability, as well as increasing flexibility in the body and stimulation of abdominal organs. This asana is also considered a beginner skill for yoga practitioners and is also beneficial in constipation, infertility, back pain, osteoporosis, sciatica, and menstrual problems.
From making the body flexible to stimulating the internal organs of the abdomen, the practice of Ashva Sanchalanasana is considered very beneficial. Practicing this yoga asana daily also keeps your body metabolism fine. Ashva Sanchalanasana is known as horse-rider pose and in English it is known as Equestrian Pose. This asana is done by bending the body down. This asana is also practiced while performing Surya Namaskar. It is one of the 12 asanas in the Surya Namaskar sequence. It is an important asana of yoga science and in the language of yoga science, Ashva Sanchalanasana is placed in the category of balance asana. It is known as a very beneficial yogasana for balancing the body.

Method of Ashva Sanchalanasana
- Start with Uttanasana (forward bending asana), pushing the chest inward and resting the head towards the knees or thighs.
- Inhale and take the right leg back, stretch the right leg forward.
- Exhale and put the right leg back, rest the right foot on the ground and keep the right knee to rest.
- Keep the hands beside the right leg and balance by touching the ground with the fingers.
- Keep the neck straight and look forward.
- Stay in this position for a while and then come back to normal posture.
- Now repeat the same process with the left leg.

Benefits of Ashva Sanchalanasana
1. Strengthening the muscles
Regular practice of Ashva Sanchalanasana helps in strengthening the muscles of the body. This strengthens the muscles of the legs, ankles, hips and lower back and provides relief from problems in the lower back muscles.
2. Beneficial for the back
Ashva Sanchalanasana helps in strengthening the back. The practice of this asana benefits the back muscles and the spine becomes straight and strong. This asana is also beneficial in back pain problems and spondylitis.
3. Improves metabolism and digestion
Ashva Sanchalanasana helps in improving the body’s metabolism and strengthening the digestive system. Regular practice detoxifies the body and improves digestion. This improves metabolism and also removes other digestive problems.
4. Beneficial for the skin
The practice of Ashva Sanchalanasana is also beneficial for the skin. It balances the blood flow in the body, which keeps the skin energetic and fresh. Regular practice keeps the skin young and fresh, as well as reduces wrinkles.
5. Beneficial for the heart and lungs
Regular practice of Ashva Sanchalanasana strengthens the lungs and chest muscles. This reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and the blood flow in the body remains correct, which benefits the heart.

Precautions to be taken while doing Ashva Sanchalanasana
Ashva Sanchalanasana should be practiced under expert supervision in the beginning. People who have any problem while practicing it should not put too much pressure on their legs, knees etc.
1. Warm up the body well before starting yoga.
2. Do not practice yoga immediately after a meal.
3. Avoid forcing any posture.
4. Stop the action immediately if there is pain in the hip joints.
5. Pay attention to the alignment of the knee of the front leg; it should be parallel to the ankle.
6. Avoid excessive practice, as it may cause muscle strain.
7. People suffering from knee and ankle injuries should not practice this asana.
8. Do not do this asana if there is injury or pain in the back.
9. Women should avoid this asana during menstruation and pregnancy.
10. People suffering from problems like heart disease, high blood pressure, and slip disc should not practice this asana.
11. Always practice the asana on an empty stomach.

Apart from making the body flexible and strong, practicing Ashva Sanchalanasana is also very beneficial for mental health. According to experts, its daily practice helps in keeping all the parts of your body healthy. By including it in your routine, you can make your life healthy and happy.
Ashva Sanchalanasana is one such yoga asana, which gives countless benefits to the body. With regular practice, this asana not only provides physical benefits but also establishes mental peace and balance. By including it in your routine, you can make your life healthy and happy.
If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! I’m here to help. Enjoy yoga and stay healthy!

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