Hatha Yoga: Directing Your Energy-84+yogasanas

Hatha yoga

Hatha yoga is a beginner process of yoga. In Sanskrit the word ‘ha’ means sun, the word ‘ta’ means moon.”Hatha” means the practice of yoga postures to bring a balance between the sun and moon within you, or the pingala and ida within you. Hatha yoga is basically preparing the body for a higher possibility. … Read more

The Benefits of AdhoMukha Svanasana for a Stronger Practice

Healthy Life Yoga gives disease free life.

Adhomukha Svanasana is a yoga posture in which we bend our body forward, just like a dog stretches. Talking about the benefits of Adhomukha Svanasana, doing this asana stretches the muscles of the legs, hands, calves and inner thighs, which strengthens these muscles and improves blood flow to the brain, making the mind feel calm … Read more

Bhujangasana: A Pose of Strength, Flexibility, and Renewal

Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose is a yoga asana. In this, the chest is raised by lying on the stomach, due to which the shape of the body becomes like a snake with raised hood, that is why it is called Bhujangasana or Sarpasana (Sanskrit: Bhujangasana). In Bhujangasana, ‘Bhujang’ means snake and ‘asana’ means yoga posture. … Read more

Dandasana Yoga: Benefits, and Safety Tips”

Dandasana Yoga: Benefits, and Safety Tips"

Introduction Dandasana is also commonly known as ‘Dand Lagana’. In ancient times, this asana was also practiced in wrestling arenas. There is another variation of this asana in which the body is raised above the waist until a triangle shape is formed between the body and the ground. Chaturanga Dandasana, also known as ‘Four-Limbed Staff … Read more

Ashva Sanchalanasana: Improve Metabolism and Body Flexible

"With each lunge in Ashva Sanchalanasana, we honor our body's capacity to balance, stretch, and grow."

INTRODUCTION Ashva Sanchalanasana, also known as Equestrian Pose, is an important yoga pose. Its name is derived from the Sanskrit words Ashva (horse), Sanchalana (sign of movement), and Asana (posture). In this pose, the body is placed in a horse riding posture, which benefits many parts of the body. This asana helps in building balance and stability, … Read more

Hastpadasana: A wonderful posture of yoga science

Introduction Hastpadasana: A yoga asana that gives countless benefits to the bodyHastpadasana is a yoga asana that provides numerous benefits to the body. Hastpadasana is made up of three words of Sanskrit. “Hast” means hand, “pada” means feet and “asana” means yoga posture. In this yoga posture, one has to bend forward and touch both … Read more

Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana for Mind and Body

Healthy Life Yoga gives disease free life.

Benefits of Hasta Uttanasana Yogasana: By doing Hasta Uttanasana, clean oxygen is circulated in your lungs. With the help of this yogasana, it helps in expanding the chest and strengthening the heart ribs. By doing this yogasana, there is a good stretch in your muscles which strengthens the lower back muscles and spine. Hasta Uttanasana or Raised … Read more

Achieve Mental Tranquility and Physical Relaxation with Pranamasana Yoga

Dandasana Yoga: Benefits, and Safety Tips"

To ensure physical fitness and health, one should consistently engage in activities such as exercise and yoga. Regular yoga practice not only promotes a healthy and fit body but also contributes to a calm and healthy mind. Practicing Pranamasana is especially advantageous for maintaining mental calmness and physical relaxation. This asana, part of the Vinyasa … Read more