Dandasana is also commonly known as ‘Dand Lagana’. In ancient times, this asana was also practiced in wrestling arenas. There is another variation of this asana in which the body is raised above the waist until a triangle shape is formed between the body and the ground.
Chaturanga Dandasana, also known as ‘Four-Limbed Staff Pose’, is a yoga asana. It is a yogic form of push-ups and low plank. In this pose, the hands and feet are on the ground and the body is parallel to, but not touching, the ground. This asana is performed in Ashtanga, Vinyasa, and Hatha yoga. There are many health benefits of doing Chaturanga Dandasana, such as:
• Test of physical strength
• Harmonious development of various muscle groups
• Strengthening of arms, back, shoulders, and abdomen
• Strengthening of hands and wrists
• Core balance
• Spine alignment
Chaturanga Dandasana is a Sanskrit word, which is made up of three words. The first word is ‘chatur’ which means ‘four’, the second word is ‘anga’ and the third word is ‘danda’, which means ‘staff’. This asana is also known as ‘four-limbed staff pose’ in English. It is also called as ‘shoulder shredder’. Chaturanga Dandasana is also an essential position of the classical Surya Namaskar series.
Chaturanga Dandasana resembles a push-up in appearance, but there is a lot of difference between the two. It is also known as the plank pose. This asana helps in building your body properly. It is done by keeping the spine straight. In this asana, the entire weight of your body is on both your hands and feet.

Table of Contents
• Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana
• Correct way to do Chaturanga Dandasana
• Method of doing Chaturanga Dandasana
• Things to keep in mind before doing Chaturanga Dandasana
• What precautions should be taken while doing Chaturanga Dandasana
• Do these asanas before doing Chaturanga Dandasana
Benefits of Chaturanga Dandasana

1. Strengthening of hands: Doing Chaturanga Dandasana puts weight on your hands and wrists, which makes them strong.
2. Strengthening of muscles: This asana strengthens the muscles of the shoulder, back and leg.
3. Flexibility: This asana makes your body flexible, which reduces the risk of injury.
4. Preparation for yoga: This asana is beneficial for those who are beginning yoga.
5. Physical and mental health: This asana increases the coordination between the brain and the muscles.
6. Tightens the abs: It strengthens the abdominal muscles.
7. Peace of mind: Regular practice of this asana gives mental peace.
The right way to do Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana has many health benefits. You can do this asana correctly by following the steps given below:
1. Spread a yoga mat on the ground and lie down on your stomach or in Adho Mukha Svanasana.
2. Place both your hands on the ground like Bhujangasana, with your fingers facing forward.
3. Keep the toes of both your feet straight on the ground.
4. Slowly raise both your knees by putting pressure on the toes.
5. While inhaling, lift the weight of the body on both your hands.
6. Make a 90 degree angle at the elbow between your upper-arm and fore-arm.
7. Your whole body will come parallel to the floor.
8. In this position your body will be completely above, just both hands and toes will remain on the ground.
9. Do this asana for 10 to 30 seconds.
10. After this, slowly come back to the initial state while exhaling.
Things to keep in mind before doing Chaturanga Dandasana
1. Do not lift your hips too high.
2. Do this asana comfortably and protect yourself from injury.
3. Practice half Chaturanga Dandasana or Plank Pose in the beginning.
What precautions should be taken while doing Chaturanga Dandasana

1. Do not do this asana if there is pain in the shoulder, wrist and back.
2. Do not do this asana during pregnancy.
3. Avoid this asana if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.
4. Do not do this asana if there is pain in the elbow.
Do these asanas before doing Chaturanga Dandasana
1. Bhujangasana
2. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
3. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Do these asanas after doing Chaturanga Dandasana
1. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
2. Adho Mukha Svanasana
Brief Description
Chaturanga Dandasana is an important yoga asana that resembles a push-up but in this the weight is put on the hands and feet while keeping the body parallel to the floor. This asana not only strengthens the arms and wrists but also empowers the shoulder, back and abdominal muscles. Doing it regularly improves physical and mental health and makes the body flexible and stable. However, it is necessary to take precautions while doing it, especially if you have shoulder, wrist or back pain.

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