Achieve Mental Tranquility and Physical Relaxation with Pranamasana Yoga

To ensure physical fitness and health, one should consistently engage in activities such as exercise and yoga. Regular yoga practice not only promotes a healthy and fit body but also contributes to a calm and healthy mind. Practicing Pranamasana is especially advantageous for maintaining mental calmness and physical relaxation.

This asana, part of the Vinyasa style, is simple to perform. Daily practice of this pose ensures both mental and physical relaxation. Additionally, it is highly effective for enhancing body posture. Let’s delve into the benefits of Pranamasana and the method of performing it.

Pranamasana (Prayer Pose)

Pranamasana, or Prayer Pose, serves as the initial position for Surya Namaskar or Surya Namaskar Mudra, marking the start and conclusion of yoga practice. The benefits of Pranamasana include strengthening the nervous system and improving posture alignment, along with providing spiritual healing and a steady flow of positive energy and prana throughout the body.                                      
This article provides detailed information about the different types of Pranamasana yoga, the daily practice method, its benefits, beginner tips, recommended practice frequency, and precautions to observe while performing this beneficial pose.
The Pranamasana yoga pose is among the most widely practiced yoga postures globally. The term Pranamasana is derived from Sanskrit, with ‘Pranam’ meaning ‘to pay respects to’ or ‘offer respect,’ and ‘asana’ meaning ‘pose.’ Also known as the prayer pose, this yoga posture involves placing the hands together in ‘Anjali Mudra,’ commonly referred to as Namaskar.

Pranamasana Yoga

Pranamasana or Prayer Pose Benefits

Pranamasana yoga is essentially a gesture of saluting the rising sun and is practiced during Surya Namaskar. The term Pranamasana comes from Sanskrit, meaning to perform poses while bowing. In ancient Indian tradition, it has been customary to greet others with Namaste or Pranam. Pranamasana, or Namaste, is a scientific process that offers several health benefits. Here are the advantages of practicing Pranamasana:

1. Keeps the Mind Calm

Practicing Pranamasana helps in maintaining a calm and relaxed mind. This yogasana is especially beneficial in alleviating stress and mental fatigue caused by the hustle and bustle of daily life. It is particularly useful for those experiencing symptoms of depression, as it increases energy levels and brings inner peace.

2. Relaxes the Body

Pranamasana aids in relaxing the body, helping to relieve fatigue and body pain. This relaxing yoga pose is widely practiced by many yogis. It also clears negative thoughts from the mind, contributing to overall body relaxation.

3. Improves Body Posture

Practicing Pranamasana is highly effective for enhancing body posture. An incorrect posture can negatively impact one’s personality. Since Pranamasana is performed with a straight spine, it helps in correcting and improving body posture.

4. Strengthens Leg Muscles

This asana is very beneficial for the muscles of the legs. Regular practice strengthens the leg muscles, joints, hips, and ankles, and also benefits the nervous system.

5. Strengthens Bones

Pranamasana is beneficial for both leg muscles and bones. It strengthens the bones in the legs and is helpful in conditions like joint pain and arthritis.

How to Perform Pranamasana

To practice Pranamasana correctly and gain maximum benefits, follow these guidelines for the correct posture:

A.  The neck should be straight and elongated.
B.  The face should be looking forward.
C.  Broad shoulders ensure stability.
D.  The palms should be placed together in Anjali Mudra, touching            the Anahata Chakra (heart).
E.  The elbows should be aligned with the body posture.
F.  The feet should be firm and symmetrically aligned.

Steps to Perform Pranamasana:

1. Stand firmly on the ground.
2. Join your palms together in a prayer or Namaskar Mudra.
3. Shut your eyes and establish a connection with your inner being.
4. Perform breathing exercises and relax for 15-20 minutes.

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Major Benefits of Pranamasana Yoga

Strengthening the Nervous System

Pranamasana significantly impacts the nervous system, offering peace to the mind as the body remains steady and relaxed.

Asana Alignment

A key benefit of Pranamasana is maintaining body alignment and balance. The spine is activated during stretching, leading to improved posture. Focus during Anjali Mudra enhances overall alignment.

Spiritual Healing

The heart chakra, or Anahata Chakra, is the spiritual center of the body. Pressing your folded hands on your chest and performing breathing exercises opens the heart chakra, promoting spiritual healing.

Organized Prana Flow

Stretching the spine and other muscles facilitates a constant and efficient flow of positive energy and prana throughout the body, benefiting both physical and mental health.

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Beginner Tips for Pranamasana

Consider these tips when practicing Pranamasana yoga:
Use a Yoga Block – Hold a block with pressure between your palms, stretch your fingers outwards, and spread your palms. Yoga blocks can help widen your collarbones and sternum. Gradually practice without the block.
Relax Your Body and Palms – Keep your body and palms loose, forming a dome shape with your folded hands.
Hand Placement – Position your folded hands in front of your forehead or on top of your head, or slightly above it.
Seated or Squatting Position – Practicing while seated or squatting can improve digestion and flexibility. Maintain distance between your thighs in a standing position, bend your knees, and push your hips toward the floor.

How Often Should One Practice Pranamasana?

Pranamasana is a straightforward standing pose typically used at the beginning and end of a yoga session. This easy and effortless asana offers significant health benefits, including strengthening the nervous system, improving digestion, maintaining posture, and promoting mental peace. Experts recommend practicing Pranamasana for about 10 minutes a day. Start with beginner asanas and then progress to Pranamasana to fully benefit from yoga.

Precautions While Practicing Pranamasana

Keep these precautions in mind:
Time of Practice – Perform Pranamasana early in the morning or at sunset.
Empty Stomach – Avoid eating before practicing.
Closed Eyes – Ensure your eyes are closed during practice.
Face the Sun – Practice facing the sun for optimal benefits.

Incorporating daily yoga, including Pranamasana, into your routine promotes better health. Regular practice during Surya Namaskar enhances both mental and physical well-being. Initially, seek guidance from an expert.


Yoga is scientifically proven to alleviate stress and various ailments. Pranamasana is a simple and popular posture that anyone can practice at home. Healthcare professionals often recommend yoga for its numerous health benefits. Integrating Pranamasana into your daily routine supports a healthy and happy lifestyle.


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