This word stress and strain is still playing an important role in our lives. Although it is safe to say that having trouble or worrying about achieving something definitely moves you towards your goal, but if you feel emotional stress and strain in your life then it is not a healthy sign. Too much stress and strain can be the root cause of mental problems.
Stress can lead to physical, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral symptoms. Some physical symptoms of stress include: Headaches, Stomach pain, Muscle aches, Chest pains, High blood pressure, Difficulty breathing, Panic attacks, Blurred eyesight, Sore eyes, and Sleep problems.
To understand the medical process, one must first understand this problem. These days, it’s hard to picture someone who doesn’t undergo mental stress. Be it personal, social or economic problem.
Most of the people have to go through a period of stress while dealing with these problems. Mental tension or stress also has a negative impact on both body and mind, which leads to many physical and mental diseases.

Table of Content
Stress and Strain Symptoms
Stress and Strain Causes
Diagnosis of Stress and Strain
Stress and Strain Treatment and Management
Stress and Strain Complications
Stress and Strain Symptoms
The indications of stress and Strain are as follows –
• Stress impacts you in various ways. It definitely affects your mind.
•It can disrupt your life and interfere with your daily activities.
• Inability to concentrate, weak memory, change in food habits are among its main symptoms.
This gives rise to many serious mental disorders like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder etc.
• Increased emotional reactions—crying more or being sensitive or aggressive.
• If you are going through a highly stressful situation, you become inactive and start working less. It also affects the progress of your work.
• You get distracted very easily. You start living under constant fear of the unknown. There is a lack of motivation, dedication and confidence which can affect your relationships.
• You isolate yourself from other people. People start having suicidal thoughts.
• Not only this, due to excessive stress on your mind, health disorders like diabetes, high BP, hair fall, arthritis, headache, difficulty in breathing, weak immunity, skin problems etc. start occurring.
• Stress can make your life very difficult and also has many negative effects on health.

Stress and Strain causes - Causes of mental Stress
Mental stress or tension is different for everyone. Whatever causes you stress does not necessarily cause stress to anyone else. But many causes of stress can have a negative impact on your health, including –
• work pressure
• lose job
• Marriage or relationship problems
• Recent break up or divorce
• Death in the family
• Study, career or financial difficulties
• Family problems
No matter what the cause of stress is, everyone’s body’s response to stress is the same. This is because this physical response is your body’s way of dealing with these difficult situations. It causes changes in the hormonal, respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems.
For example, stress can make your heart beat faster, your respiratory rate increase, and you sweat. In some people, due to stress, energy increases for some time.
This is known as the body’s “fight-or-flight response.” This is a chemical reaction that prepares your body for a physical reaction because it makes the body feel that it is being attacked. This type of stress helped our ancestors to survive despite various challenges of nature.
Diagnosis of Stress and Strain
How is stress diagnosed?
Clinicians can typically diagnose stress by asking the patient about symptoms and life events.
Diagnosis is complicated. It depends on many factors. Many techniques are used for diagnosis, but the most direct way to diagnose stress and observe its effects is through a comprehensive, stress-oriented, face-to-face discussion or questioning.
How can stress and Strain be treated or managed?
Treatment includes self-help, stress management, and medication.
Some solutions you can do yourself (self-help)
You can try the following measures to reduce the feeling of stress. Keep in mind that it is not necessary that every solution is equally effective for every person. You have to find the most effective solution for you –
1. Exercising – Studies have proven that no matter what your mental and physical condition is, exercise will benefit you.
2. Reduce alcohol, drugs, and caffeine intake – These substances do not help prevent stress but can make it worse. Reduce their intake or if possible, avoid them.
3. Get the right nutrition – A healthy, balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables helps maintain the immune system during times of stress. Poor diet will further increase stress.
4. Prioritize the important things – Spend some time identifying the important tasks in your daily routine. Then concentrate on doing those necessary tasks.
5. Take time for yourself – Take some time for yourself each day. Use it to relax and do what you love.
6. Do breathing exercises and rest – Meditation, pranayama, and yoga can provide relief from stress. If practiced with proper technique, they calm the mind and help you relax.
7. Talk – Talking to family, friends about your thoughts and concerns will help you de-stress. Doing all this will let you know that you are not the only one who is stressed. You will also discover that there was a very simple way to solve your problems, which you never thought of.
8. Accepting symptoms – The person becomes so worried about their problems (causing stress) that they fail to pay attention to the effects on their body. Paying attention to symptoms is the first step to taking action.
9. Find your destressors (doing things that relieve stress) – Most people find relief by doing the following things. Such as –
• reading a book
• go for a drive
• Listening to favorite music
• spending time with a friend
• go to the gym
If stress is affecting your daily life, you should seek help from a doctor. A therapist or psychiatrist can often help, for example, by relieving stress through stress management training.
Stress and Strain Management
Stress and Strain management can help you –
• Eliminating or altering the cause of stress.
• Changing the way you view the stressful event
• Reducing the effects of stress on your body
• Learning to cope with problems in alternative ways
Doctors do not prescribe medications to combat stress unless the patient is diagnosed with an underlying condition such as depression or anxiety. In these cases, doctors are treating mental illness and not stress. In such cases, taking antidepressants may be suggested. Antidepressants can also have adverse effects.
If you feel that a stressful situation is going to come in your life. So you should prepare yourself mentally and physically in advance to face that situation. If you are already experiencing stress, you may need to seek medical help.
Stress Complications - Disadvantages of excessive Stress
What harm does stress and Strain cause?
There is some stress in everyone’s life and it is normal. One of the best things you can do for your health is to manage that stress, whether its source is under your control or not.
Mild stress can be good. It can present a challenge that keeps us alert, motivated, and prepared to avoid danger. However, excessive stress can lead to illness. And it can cause certain symptoms or diseases.
If you are chronically stressed, you may experience physical symptoms, such as headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain, effects on sexual health and sleep disturbances.
Stress can also cause emotional problems, depression, panic attacks and anxiety.
Stress in itself is not a problem, what is more important is how you react to stress.
For example, if you smoke, take drugs, eat too much, spend too much, or have unsafe sex, these can make the problem worse.
If you feel like the way you’re handling life’s stress is taking a toll on your physical health, talk to your doctor so you can start making changes that are beneficial to your body and mind.
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